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Typographic Poster (Bram Stoker - Dracula)

Genre: Supernatural/Horror/Gothic Fiction:
This book mainly points to an audience who are in their teens and adults or at least fans of the supernatural of the least. If you have read the book or even researched/heard about it, you can understand that the content in this novel is not appropriate for younger youth to see as it has certain areas that would not apply for kids to learn or know. This does have a touch of romance applied in this story but overall this book gives off a gothic vibe since it is a dark but fictional story, and this definitely applies to the older audience who have a strong interest in the supernatural or horror concept.

Who Is The Author?:
Bram Stoker is an Irish author who originally was from Ireland as his birth place, but passed away in London, where his novel developed more fame as the first few copies appear in the bookshops. Before his fame skyrocketed, he grew up to be a football player in Dublin, After graduation, he got a job in civil service, where he wrote drama reviews for the past ten years. Afterwards, he began to write horror stories for magazines, making “The Snake’s Pass” his first novel.

Bram Stoker was enrolled in the Trinity College, and received many honors in science, math, history, oratory etc.

The Period Of The Book: "Dracula's work took place during the late 1800s and alternates between two different settings"(2021). The novel commences in Transylvania, then proceeds to England before coming to the conclusion in Transylvania.

What Imagery/Graphic Elements Align With This Topic?: Gothic fonts that have a good use when it comes to the points on the letters/Solid Colours with a dark background that define fear or the creature (vampire) in the book/Illustrations of the main character(s)

Type Pairings: Basic Pairing of Sans/Sans Serif Fonts (Rendition 2), fonts that demonstrate a similar feeling, but styled differently

Audience Interests And Why They Love It:
- Have a strong interest in the supernatural or the novel’s genre(s)
- Enjoys a good and interesting storyline
- Loves the certain creature in the genre, such as vampires
- Enjoys fear in the novel
- This is a way for them to show that this theme is a way of expressing themselves in terms of what they look for in books or filmography
- A strong storyline or synopsis of the book stimulates their thinking
The horror element of the novel stimulates their emotions

Research Citations:
History (Ed.). (2009, November 24). "Dracula" goes on sale. History.com. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/dracula-goes-on-sale-in-london  
Byron, G. (2008, April 30). Bram Stoker: A brief biography. Victorian Web. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from https://victorianweb.org/authors/stoker/bio.html#:~:text=Stoker%20was%20educated%20at%20Trinity,Petty%20Sessions%20(Byron%209).
SparkNotes. (2021). Dracula. Sparknotes. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/dracula/setting/#:~:text=The%20action%20of%20Dracula%20takes,to%20Transylvania%20for%20its%20conclusion. 

Typographic Poster
Client: Teen and Adult readers for gothic or supernatural fiction
Typography 2​​​​​​​

SKETCHES: For my sketches, I kept it simple, but also applied a little more detail since this was a movie poster we were aiming for. For the first two sketches, I wanted to involve the cross in these two because this item was involved in this concept, but rarely, so I wanted to at least try and apply this to the poster to give an idea of what creature Dracula is. As you can see, I applied a blood leak on the very top of the first and final sketch to give another hint on who this is based on. For my second sketch, I wanted to involve the cross AND the coffin. I personally have seen many vampire themed movies and shows around my pre-teen times, so I thought using that experience along with others, I would apply that, along with a short quote from the older movie of Dracula.

Moodboard: The concept I developed in my mind was FEAR. So I asked myself, what is fear, or where how is fear created? I personally believed in both the paranormal and the supernatural, so I applied what I think is fear, into my moodboard, such as the devils number 666, and darker shades of brighter common colours that define the emotion. Since this was based on the JUST the book, I tried my best not to be too detailed with the genre but with the concept.

FINAL PRODUCT: The final image you see is the final product of my Typographic Poster. After creating renditions, I concluded with my third and final sketch as my final product, just added changes here and there and DONE! What I liked was adding two characters from the book and/or the movie and added a small detail on the female's neck to make it look like a realistic love bite. Arranging the typography was a little difficult so I arranged my illustrations and applied my title vertically and applied my teaser ad and cast horizontally and managed to make it work.
Goal: Create a movie inspired poster of the chosen book and apply certain elements from the concept or book into the poster's design and typography
Design Strategy: Apply one basic shape and use it once as well as using a font that is NOT common among all choices used in designs
Design Challenge (s): Avoiding simplicity but also to include enough to have the design stand out/Creating a way to make the silhouettes fit in the poster/Finding a unique but less common gothic font that applies to the chosen book
What I Learned: When designing, simplicity is not always a bad thing to keep in mind about when you have the ability to create your own way of it to develop an appealing and unique design
Why I Think This Final Design Was Successful: I personally am very proud of my final result because Dracula and the supernatural genre is a personal favourite of mine, so choosing a book that suited my taste was the best decision for me to create new design ideas for this book and/or the concept it is pinned on.
Typographic Poster (Bram Stoker - Dracula)

Typographic Poster (Bram Stoker - Dracula)
